Customized software for all needs

Why should you be interested in who I am?

Because I think it's better to tell you and let you verify the way I obtained the knowledge and the experience I have and that you might find useful to satisfy your needs, rather than keeping you topped up with sentences like "innovative technologies", "nowadays" or "system integration" and "content managing".

I began to be interested in informatics a few years before I graduated, Ho cominciato ad interessarmi di informatica un paio di anni prima della mia laurea, around 1998.
Now it can certainly seems strange, but in that time it was not so clear,specially to teachers, how informatics and Internet could be useful to humanities subjects. Me and a few colleagues had clearer ideas about it and we worked hard to carry out our Educational Informatics Classroom, equipped by several PC and internet connection.
I graduated in Philosophy in 2000, and mine has been the first thesis in my Faculty that's been discussed with the support of a PC and a video projector.
My encounter with the real programming happened in 2003 during a Web Marketing course, where I knew the holder of the company Imedia s.a.s. who hired me and for whom I worked for over ten years.

Now I can say that I've been working on Web for 22 years, using every day Php language, MySQL and MSSQL databases, JavaScript language and, obviously, HTML and CSS.
The number of works I realised (see achievements page) contributed to increase my Web developer experience, both server side and client side, which means both in what concerns dinamic creation of Web pages on the basis of data extracted from databases and of user interaction, and in instant response directly on the user's browser, in what to simplify has often been called Web 2.0.

I can say that my humanistic formation, and specifically philosophical, has been a great help for me, first of all in refining my ability to imagine complex problems in their wholeness and to consider the possible choices of the unknown user's who comes across the web pages I created, to always grant him an answer, guiding him in the most understandable way in his navigation.
In a different way, even if more obvious, my scientific formation had and still have a great importnce, too, in connection with the quality of my work: that formation comes from the High School I've been so lucky to attend and from passing all the exams of the first two years of the degree course in Mechanic engineering (someone would maybe say "a youthful error", but not me, for mathemathics and physics studied at the university level have been an enrichment that I would never exchange to get the years I gained those knowledges back).
As all programmers that are observed, however, the fundamental resource that I can share is my experience: and it is a documented experience, acquired by working for great projects, for the Regione Sardegna or other institutions or privates, as well as for smaller realities, sometimes even more exciting, for if sometimes you can get negligible realizations, on the contrary I think that there are not negligible objectives.